Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lola and the past simple (a writing activity)

This is Alexandre Casanovas López. I have created an ICT activity to develop writing skills, focusing on the use of the past simple tense. It is aimed at students from the higher grades of ESO (4th ESO) and Batxillerat, who will work individually on it.

They are required to use a song as a source for information and then write a short composition describing the story told in the song. In the process, they will have to read the song lyrics and, if they want, listen to it. Then, they must look for the verbs in the past tense included in the lyrics and write a short composition using them (and also changing the point of view of the story). If students want to go further, they can use the song topic –a boy falls in love with a transvestite- to discover some historical facts about the fight for the rights of the gay & lesbian collective. Taking the song as a starting point, the teacher can set a debate in the classroom about that movement (or other movements for civil rights), with students giving arguments for and against it.

To develop the activity, I have created a Webquest in Zunal where students can find all instructions and materials required to complete it. Instructions are easy and described step by step. Amongst all these materials, students can find youtube videos either with the band performing the song or with the lyrics printed on screen, and also some interviews with people who fought for gay & lesbian rights. In the Webquest I also provided links to webpages that include information about the song and the story of gay & lesbian social movements. In the “conclusion” page, there is a link to an online survey created with Survey Monkey where students can give some feedback about the activity.  The teacher can use the feedback provided to modify the activity or to develop new ones in the future. 

I hope you find this activity quite useful and complete, and appropriated to develop students’ writing skills. Please find below the link to the Webquest; the online survey is included in the "conclusion" page. Hope you enjoy it!

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